Invited to the financial hub of continental Europe: More than 30 participants followed the invitation of WEFRA marketing agency. In addition to exciting presentations there was one focal point: the interdisciplinary exchange only such a network of various young professionals form all disciplines of the health care sector can offer.
18:00 Get-together bei Finger-Food
18:30 Begrüßungsrunde und kurze Vorstellung der Teilnehmer
18:45 Impulsvortrag, Case Studies Pharma Dr. Björn Castner, Interims Vertriebsdirektor/Berater (ehemals McKinsey), Teva Deutschland
19:30 Impulsvortrag, Kreativität und Pharma, Wolfgang Pachali, Geschäftsführer WEFRA Werbeagentur Frankfurt
20:15 Speed-Coaching, participants share their career goals and challenges; counsel each other on how to tackle, handle and/or take advantage of them
21:00 Cocktail-Hour, Fleming‘s, Frankfurt
Tags: Autumn
Done with love. November 2013. Impressum.